Recherche: Éducation. Formation
L'éducation au XXIe siècle. L'éducation pour tous tout au long de la vie
...a basic education in certain disciplines (philosophy, history), he never misses an opportunity to insist that development and democracy ultimately depend on education and the constant fostering of human abilities....
The Education System: Facing the Risk of Freedom
While France devotes more than 6% of its GDP to education expenditure (in 2009), international comparisons suggest that the French education system is not necessarily performing commensurately with that level...
Pour une géopolitique de l’éducation
...2030. Among these, the fourth objective –to guarantee access to quality education for all– has acquired great resonance as recent years have seen fierce attacks on educational provision, particularly in...
L’exploration du cerveau et l’avenir de l’éducation et des apprentissages - Table ronde la revue Futuribles, – Jean-Luc Berthier, ancien responsable de formation des personnels de direction de l’Éducation nationale, responsable de l’organisation Apprendre et former avec les sciences cognitives, – Grégoire...
L'enseignement supérieur en Europe linked to plans for research and innovation. Barbara Kehm also examines how the role of the state in the management of higher education is changing in Europe. She discusses...
L'enseignement supérieur transnational
...of the considerable potential growth of transnational education in the next 15-20 years, the authors propose three possible scenarios: education will continue to become increasingly diverse and international, the free...
Éducation nationale : un chantier exaltant
...French state education system: overhaul the way teachers are moved between jobs, encourage greater mobility, revive project-based teaching, optimize the use of information technologies, rethink arrangements for information and guidance,...
On the Reform of Education (1943)
...level of French school students barely reaching the international mean (and tending, generally, to fall), despite a level of education expenditure that is rather higher than the OECD average. This...
Let’s Prepare the Education System of 2030
...of options in-between: distance-learning; (educational, geographical or ethnic) community schools; hybrid schools (classroom- and distance-learning); operator-run schools or schools run by education professionals. We may conclude that we shall, in...
Higher Education: the French Model in Question
...— adaptation to technological and scientific change and globalization, etc.)? Among other things, recent difficulties encountered by the higher-education student recruitment system, sustained international competition between educational institutions, the existence...
La prospective de l'éducation
In his speech introducing the seminar “Schools: dateline 2020”, Jacques Lesourne, who in 1987 wrote an important book about the future of the French education system in the medium and...
Éducation et décentralisation en France
...out first to demonstrate how far the French education system has departed from its fundamental principles: that education should be free, open to all and effective. He emphasizes in particular...