Recherche: Information
Entrer dans la société de l'information. L'enseignement américain
The Rise of the Information Age: The American Model, Michel Catinat Although new information and communication technologies have been developing for a while, Michel Catinat argues that the rise of...
L'information sans frontière
La déclaration universelle des Droits de l’Homme associe à juste titre la liberté de l’information et celle de la communication. À quoi servirait-il en effet d’avoir réuni tant d’informations à...
Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information
On 21 December 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution to hold a two-stage World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The first meeting was held...
L'information et la société interactive
...approach, which was little known in France in the mid 1970s; this concentrates, in particular, on interdependencies, flows, and complementarities among individuals and with their environment. Information is – along...
L'information routière en temps réel
Highway Information in Real Time Gérard Blanc, in his review of projects to develop “intelligent highways and vehicles ” in France, reminds us again that the main issue is not...
La société d'information en suspens
...société de services », et conjointement, de la « société d’information » relève d’un tel processus : le chômage, non plus qu’aucune des grandes distorsions économiques ou politiques du moment,...
Internet et développement. Un accès à l'information plus équitable ?
Internet and Global Development Will the Internet, the greatest network ever for exchanging information and knowledge, put all the science of the world at the service of everyone, or will...
L'information autoroutière
...high hopes for the “intelligent freeway”. He describes the type of services already available to car drivers through classic and modern channels, commencing with information about the flow of traffic....
L'impact des TIC sur la croissance. Les technologies de l'information et de la communication en France : diffusion et contribution à la croissance économique
This article examines the most recent assessments of the spread of information technology (IT) in the French economy and their contribution to growth; these evaluations are accompanied by some comparisons...
Nouvelles technologies et emploi. À propos d'une étude du BIPE sur l'impact des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Anne de Beer and Gérard Blanc comment here on a recent study by the BIPE on the impact of the information and communications technologies (ICTs) on growth, productivity and employment....
Le défi des TIC pour le monde arabe in the richest countries now have access to the information and communication technologies (ICTs), this is far from true in poorer regions, especially in the Arab world. Kamel Touati...
Mesurer l’information extrafinancière
...she also shows how the dissemination of information on this subject has developed, a trend that is very probably going to be firmed up and extended in the coming years....