Recherche: Infrastructure des transports
Des puces, des livres et des hommes... La numérisation des imprimés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France
...“intelligent terminals”. She describes how, motivated by boundless ambition, technical choices were made on the digitization of documents, teletransmission and terminals which, at the end of day, compromise the patrimonial...
L’Âge de la résilience. La Terre se réensauvage, il faut nous réinventer
...probable, en raison des faiblesses qui viennent d’être évoquées, mais aussi de sa moindre capacité à porter des récits positifs. L’auteur s’intéresse en outre assez peu aux conditions sociopolitiques qui...
La culture face à la montée de l'audiovisuel. Évolution des pratiques culturelles des Français 1973-1997
Olivier Donnat sketches here an overview of major trends in the evolution of French cultural practices derived from a survey by the “Département des études et de la prospective du...
Rationalité économique et bruit des transports
People are being exposed to, and are more aware of, rising levels of transport noise, which (despite higher standards and the progress made by the motor manufacturers) is likely to...
À quoi bon l'économie ? De l'économie à la politique : l'exemple des transports
Economics is the only discipline, among the social sciences at least, which tries to be both descriptive and normative. In fact, however, as it is often difficult to find corroboration...
L'équilibre des " petits " et des " grands " dans l'Union européenne
...the ideas he has always defended, making the case for a Union which should go further and adopt an internal and external common policy. Only this will prevent a desirable...
L'inéquité des minima sociaux. Le niveau de vie selon la composition des ménages
...article by Jacques Bichot and Dominique Marcilhacy describe these minimum standards in France while showing the maze resulting from the layering of measures adopted one after the other without any...
L'avenir incertain des seniors. De la mutation espérée des fourmis en cigales et du vieil assisté oisif en stimulateur de société
...not – as some people anticipated -fundamentally created a new social dynamic. Their number and proportion in the total population is destined to rise. But this increase and their demographic...
L'évolution des valeurs des Français
...quite stable, such as the desire of the French to free themselves from the major intangible principles and, despite their continuing attachment to the family, their lack of interest in...
Économie et migrations. Des déterminants et impacts économics des migrations internationales
...earnings and employment of existing residents. He thus provides some useful pointers towards a more detailed and thorough analysis of a phenomenon that still needs a great deal more investigation....
Une évaluation internationale des acquis des élèves
...olds in different countries, regardless of their class year. Using a carefully designed questionnaire, PISA assesses the students’ level of competence (and not strictly their knowledge) in three areas -understanding...
Pour une urbanistique des temps. La désynchronisation des temps sociaux reaching agreement on establishing core hours for communal activities in spite of these increasingly heterogeneous schedules and everybody’s desire to organize their own time. The process described by Jean-Yves...