Recherche: Professions
La galaxie vidéographique
...équilibres existants entre professions, vient transformer les cadres institutionnels, juridiques et conceptuels existants, ou au contraire s’y mouler en s’amendant. Il semble qu’en France ce processus ait souvent pris une...
Les services d'aide à la personne. Analyse comparative et formes d'aide proposées
Beside the Hespel-Thierry Report (cf. Futuribles n°245, pp.31-44), two other reports on the helping professions were published in France in 1998. They are issued by the Council on Economic Analysis...
La culture face à la montée de l'audiovisuel. Évolution des pratiques culturelles des Français 1973-1997
...and mediatheques increased spectacularly but the use of others, such as museums, only moderately. These activities are still very much associated with particular social groups (managers, intellectual professions, students). –...
Chômage paradoxal et difficultés de recrutement
...solution, but certain steps ought to be taken, such as forward-looking management of employment and skills, and the upgrading of certain ‘old’ professions that nevertheless remain relevant for the future....
Les emplois du bâtiment. Pénurie de main-d'oeuvre dans l'artisanat du bâtiment en Pays de la Loire
...better match between supply and demand, which is difficult not only because of the lack of qualified people, but also because of their expectations and the image of some professions....
Chômage et difficultés de recrutement en France
...transport) and certain professions, with a considerable degree of variation depending on the locality. The authors first discuss the different ways these tensions in the labour market can be evaluated,...
Les illusions sur la productivité et l'emploi
...large numbers of potential jobs in this area, and hence the need to reassess the worth of professions relating to it. He then goes on to offer a critical discussion...
Seven Challenges for Work and Businesses
...companies and work, and the chief ensuing challenges for organizations and their stakeholders: the choice of appropriate economic models, investment in relevant professions, internal and external relational strategies, the simultaneous...
Actualités prospectives n° 426 réalité virtuelle Lamblin Véronique Emploi agricole : l’avenir est dans le bio Désaunay Cécile Le salariat, avenir des professions libérales ? Papon Pierre Des nouvelles filières de batteries ?...
Covid-19: Make Way for an Enlightened Citizenry!
...professions. In the context of an epidemic receiving wall-to-wall media coverage in real time — even before the relevant knowledge-base was properly settled — and an environment of constant, unrestrained comment, the...