Recherche: Transport
Maritime Transport: the Threat of De-Globalization?
...been said about air transport, which suffered from reduced tourist flows, but the decline in manufacturing production and international trade also greatly affected freight transport, the greater part of which...
La fiscalité des transports en France think about, as Quinet shows here in great detail. The aim of transport taxation in France today is essentially to provide financial resources to adapt transport provision to user...
Le transport maritime au risque de la démondialisation ? | Interview d’Antoine Frémont
...oui, quels en seraient les facteurs et leurs impacts sur le transport de marchandises par voie maritime ? 25:00 Question 3 : Quels scénarios pour le transport maritime ? Pour...
Le mythe des grands travaux
...cette philosophie militante de la communication et des grandes infrastructures de transport. La France, pays des ingénieurs polytechniciens adeptes du saint-simonisme, consacre encore à l’heure actuelle 90 milliards de francs...
Franchir les montagnes en Asie du Sud
...heavily in developing their overland transport networks. In addition to roads and railways, gas and oil pipelines are also being planned. Alain Lamballe describes here the projects to extend these...
Prospective conceptive : pour un futur ouvert
...happen and on the possibilities opened up by the emerging paradigms. In support of his argument, Georges Amar draws on the paradigm shifts underway in the transport world (the emergence...
Les réseaux de transport transeuropéens
Trans-European Transportation Networks. The Missing Link Between History and Geography ? The coming of a unified market and the consequent growth of trade within the European Union should logically be...
À quoi bon l'économie ? De l'économie à la politique : l'exemple des transports
...Quinet and Walliser focus on the field of transport, which is a special area of study within economics. They discuss three examples: – transport of goods, which has been relatively...
The Railways — Engine of Future Mobility in Europe?
...transport and modes of transport with the lowest emissions. Among these, railways have pride of place but receive insufficient support from European investors and politicians. With the European Year of...
Rationalité économique et bruit des transports
People are being exposed to, and are more aware of, rising levels of transport noise, which (despite higher standards and the progress made by the motor manufacturers) is likely to...
Télématique et transports routiers. L'avenir de la route intelligente
Contrairement à certaines prévisions élaborées dans les années soixante, l’essor des télécommunications n’a pas entraîné de déclin du transport. Par contre, le développement des technologies de l’information et de la...
Maîtriser la rente immobilière
...that it is not insurmountable, provided that local institutions and those in charge of sectoral policies relating to housing in the broader sense (urban policies, transport policies, housing aid etc.)...