

The Power of Simple Ideas: Attending to Citizen-led Innovation


Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 441, mars-avr. 2021

Since foresight aims, among other things, to feed the mind, so that everyone can actively choose, and not just passively submit to, their future, Futuribles has regularly reported on grassroots projects which show that it is possible to change the course of events. This was, in large measure, the aim of the ‘Architects of the Future’ feature, launched in 2013 and given renewed impulsion here with this article by Antoine Héron which presents three promising citizen initiatives supported by the ICDD association for citizen initiatives and sustainable development.

The first of these, Terrao, is based on setting up systems for energy recovery and air cleaning inspired by the hookah pipe; these are simple, inexpensive, environmentally-friendly technologies that could be easily rolled out across society. The second initiative, Rezo Pouce, is a shared mobility system for rural areas which makes hitch-hiking easy. The third, the Safe Water Cube fountain, is a very simple, inexpensive filtration/water-treatment system to make water drinkable at any point on the planet. These three examples are typically ‘bottom-up’ initiatives and offer easily implemented solutions to societal problems. Unfortunately, as is too often the case, it is not easy for them to be taken up or find backing in centres of political decision-making. Let us hope that the space we are giving them in our pages brings them to wider public attention…

#Citoyenneté #Créativité #Développement durable #Innovations #Recherche et développement
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