Recherche: Migration
Migrations sans frontières
...protected. This article describes, first, current changes in migration controls and the factors in favour of migration without borders; it then sets out in greater detail the ethical, economic, social...
Controversy over Migration. A Review of Two Books: Exceptional People and Immigrant Nations the migration issue can vary, not only in its relation to time and history, but also in the economic analysis of the impact of migration on host societies and...
Europe Caught in the Migration Trap? EU sanctions. With populist parties gaining ground in many countries and making their case by combatting immigration and the Islamism they associate with it, questions of migration are looming...
Migration and Climate Change
As part of the special dossier in this issue on the geopolitical consequences of climate change, we publish here an article on migration linked to climatic phenomena. Drawing on the...
Effets démographiques de l'immigration étrangère evaluate the demographic effects of foreign immigration. To begin with, she shows, for example, that “net migration change”, as calculated in France, is not a reliable indicator and does...
Migrations: the European Statistical Challenge
In July 2007, the European Union adopted a regulation aimed at harmonizing the European statistics relating to international migration. As Xavier Thierry shows here, the statistical challenge is sizeable, and...
Mondialisation et migrations. L'exemple des États-Unis
...the United States, where there have been two periods of very high immigration: first from 1800 to 1914, when immigration was directly correlated with the growth of foreign trade; and...
Foreign Immigration and Local Development in France
...region-by-region analysis of foreign immigration in France, covering such aspects as the share of regional migration, the changes to flow-patterns, the proportion of immigrants in the active population, the unemployment...
L'Europe face aux défis du futur : démographie et migration
Il est surprenant de constater que les prospectivistes, lorsqu’ils s’interrogent sur les évolutions possibles de l’Europe d’ici à 1990-2000 et sur les défis auxquels cette même Europe devra faire face,...
Iraq: Migration and New Sources of Conflict
Ever since the intervention in Iraq by the coalition led by the United States, begun in 2003 and continuing today, Iraq has been the scene of terrible conflict. The fighting...
L'Espagne : nouvelle terre d'immigration
Spain, a member of the European Community since 1986 and now also guardpost of the Schengen area, must today cope with the challenge of immigration. Traditionally Spain sent large numbers...
Europe and Immigration
This European column forms part of the extensive special dossier on migration issues in this summer issue. Jean-François Drevet begins by recalling the importance of immigration to the European Union...